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This document seems to issued by this office, however, we couldn’t verify whether the content of the letter is true or has been altered. To properly verify the authenticity of the content of this document, please send a copy to and staff from the team will help you with the verification.

Este documento fue emitido por esta oficina, sin embargo, no se pudo verificar si el contenido de la carta es original o ha sido alterado. Para verificar adecuadamente la autenticidad del contenido de este documento, envíe una copia a y personal especializado de le ayudara con la verificación.

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The following Symbols and Trademarks “Teodoro Lavin ™”, “Teodoro Ernesto Lavin Sodi ™” and “Teodoro Lavin Sodi ™” are Registered Trademarks and its use is prohibited without express written consent of the Strategize Group.